Clinical Trials

Sponsor: NIH

Sponsor Study ID: R01 CA246729-01A1

Study Title: A Translational Randomized Clinical Trial of Varenicline Sampling to Promote Smoking Cessation and Scalable Treatment Dissemination

NCT Number: NCT04525755

Phase: N/A

Protocol Type: Prevention

Age Group: Adults

Disease Sites: Unknown Sites

Study Objectives: This clinical trial examines what happens when current smokers are given a free sample of varenicline or nicotine replacement products (patches or lozenges) to help stop or reduce smoking. Smoking causes a number of deaths and diseases, including heart disease and cancer. All smokers are advised to quit. Varenicline is a drug that both reduces cravings for and decreases the pleasurable effects of cigarettes and other tobacco products. Nicotine replacement products reduce cravings for cigarettes. Information gained from this study may help researchers evaluate new methods of how varenicline affects smoking behavior.

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