Clinical Trials

Sponsor: NRG

Sponsor Study ID: NRG-HN008

Study Title: Phase I Trial With Expansion Cohort of DNA PK Inhibition and IMRT in Cisplatin Ineligible Patients With Stage 3 4 Local Regionally Advanced Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma (HNSCC)

NCT Number: NCT04533750

Phase: I

Protocol Type: Treatment

Age Group: Adults

Disease Sites: Larynx, Lip, Oral Cavity and Pharynx

Study Objectives: This phase I trial investigates the side effects and best dose of peposertib when given together with radiation therapy in treating patients with head and neck cancer that has spread to other places in the body (advanced) who cannot take cisplatin. Peposertib may stop the growth of tumor cells by blocking some of the enzymes needed for cell growth. Radiation therapy uses high energy x-rays to kill tumor cells and shrink tumors. This trial aims to see whether adding peposertib to radiation therapy is safe and works well in treating patients with head and neck cancer.

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