Clinical Trials

Sponsor: Kronos Bio

Sponsor Study ID: KB-ENTO-3001

Study Title: Phase 3 Trial Using the SYK inhibitor, Entospletinib, in Combination with Standard Induction and Consolidation Chemotherapy in Newly Diagnosed, NPM1 Mutated Acute Myelogenous Leukemia

NCT Number: NCT05020665

Phase: III

Protocol Type: Treatment

Age Group: Adults

Disease Sites: Myeloid and Monocytic Leukemia

Study Objectives: The primary objective of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of entospletinib (ENTO) compared to placebo when added to chemotherapy in previously untreated nucleophosmin-1 mutated (NPM1-m) acute myeloid leukemia (AML), as defined by the rate of molecularly defined measurable residual disease (MRD).

Study Documents    
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