Clinical Trials

Sponsor: National Cancer Institute

Sponsor Study ID: R00CA246097

Study Title: T Reg Function Changes: A Novel Immune Regulatory Effect Underlying Benefit of Statin Use on Lethal Prostate Cancer

CTO #: 103472

NCT Number: NCT05586360

Phase: II

Protocol Type: Treatment

Age Group: Adults

Disease Sites: Prostate

Study Objectives: To evaluate whether men diagnosed with localized prostate cancer randomized to receive a statin prior to prostatectomy have greater intraprostatic YAP-mediated T-reg dysfunction compared to men randomized to the control group. To determine whether men randomized to the statin group have greater YAP-mediated T-reg dysfunction compared to men randomized to the control group restricting to tumor-infiltrating T-regs only. To determine whether men randomized to the statin group have greater YAP-mediated T-reg dysfunction compared to men randomized to the control group restricting to the subset of T-regs in the adjacent normal and stromal tissue area. To determine whether men randomized to the statin group have greater intraprostatic anti-tumor immune response compared to men randomized to the control group.

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