Clinical Trials

Sponsor: SWOG

Sponsor Study ID: S2015

Study Title: Melanoma Margins Trial (MelMarT II): A Phase III, Multi Centre, Multi National Randomized Control Trial investigating 1cm v 2cm Wide Excision Margins for Primary Cutaneous Melanoma

NCT Number: NCT03860883

Phase: III

Protocol Type: Treatment

Age Group: Adults

Disease Sites: Melanoma, Skin

Study Objectives: Patients with a primary invasive melanoma are recommended to undergo excision of the primary lesion with a wide margin. There is evidence that less radical margins of excision may be just as safe. This is a randomised controlled trial of 1 cm versus 2 cm margin of excision of the primary lesion for adult patients with stage II primary invasive cutaneous melanomas (AJCC 8th edition) to determine differences in disease-free survival. A reduction in margins is expected to improve patient quality of life.

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